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Wood-fired Bread Loaf
Wood-fired Bread Loaf

Wood-fired Bread Loaf

By Bryan Ford
By Bryan Ford

You’ve mastered making pizza in your Ooni Pro, now it’s time to nail baking bread! Bona fide, professional baker and one of our Pizza Taste Testers, Bryan Ford, created this recipe for a Wood-fired Bread Loaf. Using a mixture of whole wheat flour, bread flour and all purpose flour creates...

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  1. Set aside 1 tablespoon (20g) of the water.

  2. Add three quarters of the remaining water to a large bowl. Add the yeast to the water and stir until dissolved.

  3. In a bowl, mix together the bread flour, whole wheat flour and all purpose flour. Gradually add the flour to the water mixture, mixing with your other hand as the flour is added. Once all the flour is added, mix with two hands until the mixture starts to come together and feels dry. Cover with a cloth and leave to rest for 5 minutes.

  4. Slowly add the remaining water to the dough mixture, adding roughly a quarter of a cup (50g) at a time. Once incorporated, rest the dough for another 5 minutes.

  5. Transfer the dough to a clean bowl or tub, and rest for another hour. This ensures that no remaining, dry flour will interfere with your proving dough.

  6. Add the salt and the tablespoon of warm water into the dough mixture, squeezing them into the dough and gently folding the dough with your hands – be careful not to tear at the dough. The salt and water should be fully incorporated after about 5 to 7 minutes of gentle folding. Do not be concerned if at first it seems the water will not incorporate – trust the method and be patient.

  7. Stretch and fold the dough twice, resting the dough for 30 minutes in between covered with a cloth.

  8. Cover the dough with a cloth and leave to rest for another hour. The dough will be ready to shape after about 2 hours, or when it has doubled in size and has a smooth surface, bubbles appearing within the dough, and a web-like structure on the bottom when you flip the dough over.

  9. Flour your work surface and divide the dough into three equal pieces.

  10. Roll each piece into a tight log shape and leave to prove in separate baskets or bowls for about 1 hour, covered with a cloth or sheet of cling film (plastic wrap).

  11. While each piece of dough is proving, fire up your Ooni pizza oven. Aim for 260˚C (500˚F) on the stone baking board inside. You can check the temperature inside your oven quickly and easily using Ooni’s Infrared Thermometer. Once the oven has reached that temperature, be sure to minimise the flame as much as possible and keep the temperature consistent.

  12. Flour your Ooni Wooden Pizza Peel and lay the first piece of dough on the peel.

  13. Launch the dough into your oven, and put the door on the oven. Cook for about 10 minutes or until the loaf starts to develop some colour. Rotate the loaf so the other end is closer to the flame. Keep the loaf toward the centre of the stone baking boards to prevent the flames from scorching the loaf. Continue baking for a further 5-10 minutes, or until the loaf is golden brown and makes a hollow noise when tapped on the bottom. Repeat the same process for the remaining two loaves.

  14. Serve warm with some butter!

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