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Pizza covered in chocolate and marshmallows in a spiderweb patter
Pizza covered in chocolate and marshmallows in a spiderweb patter

Chocolate and Marshmallow Spiderweb Pizza

By Ooni HQ
By Ooni HQ

You can’t have a party without some kind of dessert, and whether you’re trick-or-treating, kicking back with a scary movie, or whipping up a feast for a monster-mash bash, nothing says Halloween like candy. This dessert pizza is a feast for the eyes AND mouth. Dazzling swirls of silky chocolate...

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This recipe makes one 12-inch pizza, but you’ll end up with some leftover ganache (roughly 200 grams). Use it to make another pizza or two, or store it in the refrigerator to use as frosting for cakes, biscuits, and more.

  1. Prepare the chocolate ganache. In a saucepan over a medium flame, warm the cream until it steams, then remove from the heat. (Try not to let the cream boil or it may split the chocolate.) Add the chocolate chips to a heat-proof bowl and pour the hot cream over them, making sure to completely cover the chocolate. Leave uncovered for 10 minutes.

  2. Gently stir the melted chocolate and cream together; it will take a few minutes for the mixture to come together. Once smooth, leave uncovered to cool while you fire up the oven. (If the ganache seizes, add room temperature water a little at a time, stirring vigorously until it smoothes out again.)

  3. Fire up your oven. Aim for 400°C on the stone baking board inside.

  4. On a lightly floured work surface, gently stretch out your pizza dough to 12 inches and lay it on a lightly floured peel. Avoid stretching the center too thin. This pizza requires a parbake topped with ice cubes, and you don’t want the dough to rise too easily.

  5. Position the cubes evenly on the base. Carefully transfer the pizza from the peel into the oven. The ice cubes will slide easily, so reposition them if necessary using your tongs (carefully!). As the pizza cooks, use the tongs to move the cubes carefully around the base to prevent burning. Bake the pizza for up to two minutes, turning occasionally so it cooks evenly. Retrieve the pizza and dab away any remaining moisture with a clean paper towel.

  6. In a microwave-safe bowl, add 3 heaped tablespoons of Marshmallow Fluff. Microwave for 20 seconds, then stir. Microwave 2 to 3 more times in 10-second bursts, stirring in between, until the consistency resembles that of thick syrup. Immediately — it stiffens quickly — drizzle a heaped spoonful of fluff in a spiral over the pizza. Again using a heaped spoonful, drizzle over the ganache, filling in the gaps between the fluff. The two will seep into each other and touch.

  7. Once you have two fluff and ganache spirals, use a toothpick to create the spider web pattern. Gently drag the toothpick from the center of the pizza out to the crust. The toothpick will pick up some of the chocolate and marshmallow, creating a marbled line across the center of the pizza. Repeating from the center as reference, create at least 6 evenly spaced lines.

  8. For the final touch, sprinkle crushed peanut butter cups and Reece’s Pieces over the top. Serve right away.

Ooni HQ

From wood-fired flavour to gas-powered consistency to electrified convenience, you can use Ooni's portable pizza ovens in the kitchen, backyard or beyond.

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