Ooni Karu 12G in the park with bicycles
Ooni Karu 12G in the park with bicycles

Tips for Taking Your Ooni on the Go

Thinking about taking your Ooni oven on the go? Whether you’re going off-grid, cooking next to a camper van or simply bringing your oven to your local park’s picnic shelter, we’ve got a few tips that will help you plan ahead.

1. Consider your oven.

  • All of our ovens are portable, but some are easier to carry than others. Ooni Fyra 12, Ooni Karu 12 and Ooni Koda 12 are the most compact, all weighing in under 22 pounds, and their covers have handles that are designed to make them easy to transport.

2. Prepare your fuel.

  • The easiest and most cost-effective way to cook on the go is to use wood pellets with an Ooni Fyra 12. Hardwood pellets are super economical: 500 grams of pellets will cook about 4 pizzas.
  • Want to cook with propane? Take a 500g camping canister with you. Keep in mind that smaller cylinders work well with an Ooni Koda 12 or Ooni Karu 12, but won’t work with our Ooni Koda 16 or Ooni Karu 16.

3. Plan your cooking surface.

  • Wood, steel and stone make great pizza oven surfaces. Picnic tables and concrete camping slabs work well.
  • If you’re going even further afield, you can place your oven on the ground — or, if you’re heading to the beach, sand. Just be sure it’s stable before you start cooking.

4. Organize your accessories.

  • You’ll need a few accessories, so be smart about how you pack. You can store smaller things, like infrared thermometers and chimneys, in the belly of the oven. Bigger things, like peels, might need to be carried separately. Backpacks and coolers can be used to store dough and toppings.

5. Prepare your ingredients before you hit the road.

  • The more washing, chopping and cooking you can do before you head out, the better. Cut, pre-cook and label toppings. Prepare your tomato sauce and pack dough ingredients, fresh dough or frozen dough balls.
  • Proofing Tip: consider the outside temperature of where you’ll be cooking. If it’s much hotter than your home kitchen, proofing will happen fast. If you’re heading to a cooler location, you might have dough balls that are a little tight or take longer to rise.

6. Bring only what you need.

  • We’ve been known to get carried away with topping options — but when you’re cooking outdoors, the more accurately you can plan, the better. It’s no fun to schlep home leftovers that haven’t been refrigerated. No one wants to pack up sweaty cheese!
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